Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to get over a "what the hell was I thinking" phase.

Step 1: As soon as possible find a bar.... wait a minute this is the wrong advise!

Try again:

Step 1: A sense of humor is vital, you will not survive without it. At times, okay 95% of the time you will be the only one laughing but that is fine. I repeat you can not leave home without this!

Step 2: Try and remember as much of each day as possible, it will help thinking about how terrified you where the day before and how much you have learnt since then. Before you know it you will think very fondly of your first few days and how you have grown since then. Stepping out of the airport with a million new faces staring at you, a taxi driver ripping you off and weather that makes you think your on holiday will soon become a great story to tell the people back home.

Step 3: E-mail your mother on a daily basis, you will not have a good day till she has sent you some wise words.

Step 4: Enjoy your own company... at times it will be the best conversation you can have.

So, I would like to carry on with my thesis with all my new found wisdom but to tell you the honest truth... I don't know if I have gotten over my "what the hell was I thinking' phase. Sometimes I think I have but then alas.

To sum up my first week in Saigon will go as follows: Hoora my guesthouse and course really do exist, I met a lot of Americans, fallen in love.... with the local ice coffee, lost my bank card so had to budget like mad for a few days, discovered the fine art of crossing the street with millions of scooters approaching ( slow walking and praying out loud), survived stepping on a rat, went out till day break....

I am simply amazed by just how different this place is compared to home. I believe that were would simply not be enough information on the Internet to prepare a girl on what to expect. Of course I knew some culture shock and tears would be involved and I even congratulated myself on preparing for this... but I did not expect it would be to such an intensity! Yes and the character building continues...

I have had about 5 days of TEFL in the bag and in a few days they actually expect us to start teaching for practical purposes.... Regte egte kinders in regte egte skole!! Don't feel like I have the skills for this at all so should be one those opportunities to use my own advise and apply as much humor as possible. Should I also admit the following heartbreaking truth? Okay then, I feel like I'm getting an American accent!!! We are about 9 people on the course and all but for a Scotsman and me they are all from the land of "dreams". Bunch of swell people though.

I go through ups and downs but overall I know I have made one of the best moves of my life so far, only a week but it feels like I could be a month. Walking down the street passing street cafes, colorful markets, the constant buzz of hooting and the drone of scooters that never seem to end, surprise rain storms and hats and locals staring at me.... it strikes me every time and suddenly to think that I'm actually in Vietnam!


  1. Sterk staan hartjie, it really is all worth it and it flies by too.
    Who knows, maybe I'll join you in a few months.
    Looking forward to the next post, as mine are coming to an end.

  2. Lan, I think you have such a talent for blogging, and thankgoodness for all that good humour and character. Updates on the teaching!! xoxox
