I try to think of how not to be cliché when thinking about time and how it flies. Trying to avoid at all costs saying something really lame like “ I can not believe it has almost been half a year bla la la, it feels like yesterday I started teaching yadda yadda”. No surely I’m a bit more skilled than that…. Alas… It really is crazy though that I have almost been here for half a year, knowing that in the wink of an eye I might be writing about being here a year and even then some.
So here with the headlines:
“Girl moves from adequate boring studio to mansion”
“Is 25 the new 16? Quarter of century hang ups”
“Motorbikes in Hanoi: how to overcome your fear and laugh in the face of danger”
“Life? What’s that all about”
So the new house. The Joburgers will understand when I say this, I felt like I moved from a Weltevredenpark hole into a stunning Greenside villa. Well that is what it feels like anyway. When I first saw the house, I felt like a little girl excited about the latest Barbie doll. It is simply lovely.
We share a 5 floor, 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 rooftops and one flat screen tv. Sharing with a two other teachers, who happen to ad to my joy of international contacts (French and Australian) and whole also happen to be married. It is great to have some movement in my house again, living by myself was good for a while but I prefer this.
Of course, a new place to stay is the perfect excuse for a party, n dat-nat-maak soos ek dit noem (wel ek en al die ander boere). This joyous occasion conveniently fell around my birthday, so it was only right to have a two in one party. What I really want to share though is the fact that I got a cake for my birthday, with candles, with my name (spelt correctly) on it. I do not think this has happened in the last 20 years, happiness.
Other than the rater successful party I managed to have a great birthday, one would imagine that being far away from home on days like these would be hard. Well yes, I do miss my family and friends but it was not at all spoilt. I feel blessed to have found a few amazing people to surround myself with.
The problem with turning 25 however is not the fact that it’s a freakin quarter of a centaury, it’s the fact that I can remember turning 20 just the other day, the reality of 30 has never been so obvious. Then again I’m sure 30 is like the new 20.
I have also surprised myself in being as brave (or crazy) to rent a motorbike. I’m still just driving up and down the street close to my house to get used to this horse before daring into (dramatic music cue) Hanoi traffic. I desire that everybody make an effort to watch Vietnam Top Gear Special to be even more impressed with this piece of information.
Do not have a whole lot more to say really, not working all that much the last few weeks. This has a bittersweet pay off. Lots of time to pretend that I’m a lady leisure but also lots of time to spend money that a lady of leisure should have, but not really seeing as I’m not working all that much. This should pick up by April and I will be back in the swing of being the hard working teacher.
Not that I’m really complaining that time is filled with a daily ‘strong-will-never-be-able-to-appreciate-normal-coffee-again’ Vietnamese coffee fix, long lunches and might I say wonderful company. Along with satisfying my ongoing fascination with all that is Vietnam and Hanoi. Never a dull moment.
Just a quick update on my plans for the future: I was planning to only being here for about 7-8 months, do the course, sign a 6-month contract, do some traveling, and then go home to my normal life. So go back get on with life having happily gotten ‘this’ out of my system with a good story for the kids one day when I grow up. This vision has changed; it seems that I will be here at least till mid August before going home and then maybe coming back for another year. Conclusion? I feel like I have found something that I really love and should stick with it until that familiar feeling of wanting change creeps up on me again.
At the time of this going to print there are 17 days to go until my darling sister comes to visit. As mentioned in previous updates I will still not even attempt to capture my excitement in these limiting spaces between heart and typing.